Garrett Burnard Tolliver

PFC Garrett B. Tolliver served with Easy Company, Second Battalion, 21st Marines.
He was killed action at Iwo Jima on 24 February 1945.
Marine Corps Reserve
Service Number 933964
Current Status
Remains Not Recovered
Pursuit Category
This case is under Active Pursuit by DPAA
Capsule History
Pre-War Life
February 27, 1925
in New Boston, OH
Allie Young Tolliver
Ada Susan (Barker) Tolliver
Details unknown
Occupation & Employer
Bethlehem Fairfield Shipyard
Service Life
Entered Service
December 15, 1943
at Charleston, WV
Home Of Record
South Portsmouth, KY
Next Of Kin
Parents, Allie & Ada Tolliver
Military Specialty
Automatic Rifleman
(MOS 746)
Individual Decorations
Purple Heart (Iwo Jima)
Loss And Burial
Circumstances Of Loss
On 24 February 1945, the Second Battalion 21st Marines was ordered to attack and secure their section of the O-1(A) line running across the middle of Iwo Jima. After a bloody stalemate in the morning, Easy Company was ordered to advance due north across Motoyama #2 and capture some high ground overlooking the airfield. Despite being hit by a friendly rocket barrage (“fired into our Zone of Action by some unit of the 5th Div”), they managed to reach their objective at 1500 hours and dig in. The battalion’s action report noted that this was the only appreciable gain made during the day, and that supporting companies were forced to fall back south of the airfield before nightfall.
PFC Garrett Tolliver was one of the Easy Company Marines killed in the attack across Motoyama #2. No further details of his death or disposition are currently known.
Burial Information or Disposition
None; identifiable remains not recovered.
Next Of Kin Address
Address of parents, Allie & Ada Tolliver
Location Of Loss
Approximate location of E/2/21 at the close of 24 February 1945