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Richard Frederick Callahan

PFC Richard F. Callahan served with Item Battery, Third Battalion, 14th Marines.
He was lost overboard from the USS Hendry on 9 February 1945.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Marine Corps Reserve
Service Number 806954

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Current Status

Remains Not Recovered

Pursuit Category

Based on circumstances of loss, this individual is considered permanently non-recoverable.

Capsule History

Pre-War Life


October 8, 1924
in Niskayuna, NY


Arthur Victor Callahan
Clara M. (Lukens) Callahan


Nott Terrace High School

Occupation & Employer

General Electric Company

Service Life

Entered Service

March 10, 1943
at Albany, NY

Home Of Record

1028 Regent Street
Schenectady, NY

Next Of Kin

Parents, Arthur & Clara Callahan

Military Specialty

MOS 864
(Light AA crewman)

Primary Unit

I/3/14th Marines

Campaigns Served

Iwo Jima (en route)

Individual Decorations

Additional Service Details

Loss And Burial

Circumstances Of Loss

In January 1945, units of the Fourth Marine Division – mostly sections of the 24th (infantry) and 14th (artillery) Regiments – boarded the USS Hendry for transport to Iwo Jima. The long journey from Maui was mostly unremarkable, with planned stops at Eniwetok and Saipan before reaching the final objective. On 9 February, Hendry was steaming towards the Mariana Islands in company with Transit Group 51. All was quiet aboard the darkened ships.

At approximately 0220, sailors standing gun watch reported hearing cries for help. Hendry’s officers checked the topside stations, finding all hands present. When the embarked troops assembled for morning muster, PFC Richard F. Callahan failed to answer and could not be found aboard ship. It was presumed he had fallen overboard in the night and been left behind.

Two destroyers were dispatched to search the general area, but found no trace of the missing Marine. An investigation concluded that Callahan had “fallen over the side while asleep” and was lost at sea.

Burial Information or Disposition

Not recovered; remains lost at sea.

Next Of Kin Address

Address of parents, Arthur & Clara Callahan.

Location Of Loss

Callahan was lost overboard at this approximate position.


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