Thomas Peter Sorensen, Jr
Second Lieutenant Thomas P. Sorensen, Jr. was a Marine pilot training at Naval Air Station Jacksonville.
He was killed in an accident near St. Simon’s Island, Georgia on 17 May 1943.
This individual was USMC/Navy/air/land/sea force.
Current Status
This individual has been recovered or is not recovered.
Because this individual died within the limits of the continental United States, they are not tracked by the DPAA.
Capsule History
Pre-War Life
December 17, 1920
at St. Louis, MO
Thomas Peter Sorensen, Sr.
Dollie L. (Hodges) Sorensen
Maplewood High School (1939)
Occupation & Employer
Wagner Electric Company
Service Life
Entered Service
May 9, 1942 (Navy)
April 20, 1943 (comission)
Home Of Record
7729 Weston Place
Richmond Heights, MO
Next Of Kin
Mother, Mrs. T. P. Sorensen
Military Specialty
Primary Unit
Naval Air Station Jacksonville
Campaigns Served
Individual Decorations
Additional Service Details
Loss And Burial
Circumstances Of Loss
Second Lieutenant Thomas Sorensen, a newly commissioned Marine Corps pilot, was assigned to Naval Air Station Jacksonville shortly after earning his coveted “wings of gold.” He intended to complete several weeks of advanced training at the station before proceeding on to California for duty with a combat squadron.
On 17 May 1943, Sorensen took off for an early morning gunnery training flight. The new pilots rendezvoused with their tow plane near St. Simons Island, Georgia, and began making their practice passes on the target. Unfortunately, Sorensen dove too steeply on his approach and clipped the tow line with his left wing. His aircraft spiraled to the left and fell into the sea, exploded, and sank rapidly.
Sorensen was not seen to bail out of the stricken plane, and after three days of fruitless searching – on the one month anniversary of his commissioning – Naval authorities reported his death.
Burial Information or Disposition
Crashed at sea; remains not recovered.
None known.
Next Of Kin Address
Address of mother, Mrs. T. P. Sorensen.
Location Of Loss
Approximate location of crash, “Atlantic Ocean about five miles southeast of St. Simons Island.”