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Harvey Edmund Arnold

PFC Harvey E. Arnold served as a radioman and gunner with VMSB-133, a Marine dive-bomber squadron.
He died in a training accident near Johnston Island on 17 November 1943.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Marine Corps Reserve
Service Number 498656

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Current Status

Remains Not Recovered

Pursuit Category

The DPAA has not publicized this information.

Capsule History

Pre-War Life


4 February 1925
at Griggsville, IL


LaVerne M. Arnold
(Father’s name unknown)


(details unknown)

Occupation / Employer

(Details unknown)

Service Life

Entered Service

18 November 1942
at Chicago, IL

Home Of Record

2339 Geneva Terrace, Chicago, IL

Next Of Kin

Mother, Mrs. LaVerne M. Arnold

Military Specialty

Radioman / Gunner

Primary Unit


Campaigns Served

Individual Decorations

Additional Service Details

On date of loss, was aboard SBD-4 #10502

Loss And Burial

Circumstances Of Loss

On the afternoon of 17 November 1943, pilots from VMSB-133 were engaged in a routine training flight. One Dauntless, flown by 1Lt. Steve Barto and PFC Harvey E. Arnold, made a practice dive on a target approximately five miles from Johnston Island. The plane failed to recover from the dive, and plowed straight into the sea. Other planes from the flight circled the area until crash boats and rescue aircraft arrived.

Searchers found wreckage from the downed Dauntless, but saw no sign of Barto or Arnold. Neither Marine was seen to escape the plane, and both were presumed killed in the accident. Neither man’s body was recovered from the scene.

Burial Information or Disposition

Lost in plane crash at sea.

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